Join us on Saturday, March 26 at 12:00 Noon.

We will be at the Santa Fe Plaza to Honor our Brave Union Soldiers on this 160 Year Anniversary of the Battle of Glorieta Pass.

We will gather to honor the brave New Mexico soldiers who fought and died at the Battle of Glorieta pass to help the Union defeat the Confederacy. This was a turning point in the U.S. Civil War with New Mexico fighting on the right side of history - against slavery. The names of the brave will be read aloud and honored. You will have an opportunity to sign a petition to have the moment rebuilt.


Many of us love Santa Fe and the State of New Mexico - those of us born here, those raised here, and those who have recently arrived. You aren’t alone and there is something we can do to save our unique and beautiful culture.

What is happening?

Santa Fe is fundamentally changing. Our beloved city is being torn down and vandalized with hate, anarchy, and racism. Is this the community where we want to live? Is this how we honor fallen heroes?


Who is doing this?

Our recently arrived elected officials are coordinating with extremist hate groups to “decolonize” the City Different. Why is this allowed to happen? Who is behind it? who is tolerating it?


What is C.H.A.R.T ?

Mayor Alan Webber wants to use this approach to change Santa Fe. Is this what is best for the community? Who really benefits from erasing our Spanish heritage? Who profits? Is it fair and transparent?