Research & Stay Informed

Save Santa Fe Culture will work to provide a complete list of media related to helping those who care stay up-to-date and aware of what is happening in our community.

  • Alan Webber Knew Protestors Were Going to Destroy the Obelisk

    Following Alan Webber’s botched attempt to remove the Obelisk under the cover of darkness, he received warning that activists were planning to illegally destroy the monument. Read more in The New Mexican…

  • Union Protectiva Files Suit Over Obelisk

    One of the oldest Hispanic Fraternal Organizations in the country has sued Mayor Alan Webber for violating the New Mexico Prehistoric and Historic Sites Preservation Act. Read More in the The New Mexican…

  • Historic Don Diego de Vargas Statue Found in Private Citizen's Backyard

    A cloak-and dagger operation orchestrated by Mayor Alan Webber led to this historic artifact being removed and left unprotected. Read more in the ABQ Journal…

  • Mayor Alan Webber Continues to Fracture Santa Fe

    Doubts linger about the legitimacy, legality and objectivity of the C.H.A.R.T process as it appears this is Alan Webber's way of escaping accountability. Read More in the Santa Fe Reporter…

  • $265K awarded to ABQ Group for C.H.A.R.T.

    Led by Valerie Martinez who has been questioned about misrepresenting her indigenous ancestry and who participated in the process to remove La Entrada, Artful life is to administer Alan Webber's C.H.A.R.T process. Read more in the New Mexican…

  • Out of Town and Anglo Activists Plead Not Guilty to Destruction of the Obelisk

    Three of the seven vandals who ilegally destroyed the Soldier's Monument pled not guilty to criminal charges. Read more in The New Mexican…

  • Mayor Alan Webber Accused of Scapegoating City Employees

    Mayor Alan Webber accepts no accountability for the mishandling of the historic Don Diego de Vargas Statue. Read more in the New Mexican…

  • Local New Mexicans Help Restore the Stolen Cross of the Martyrs

    Following the theft of the religious artifact by hate-filled activists, locals honor the memory of fallen hispanic religious leaders. Read More in the New Mexican…

  • Allegations of Misogyny Engulf Alan Webber

    Despite allegtions of Alan Webber’s Mysogyuny he hasn’t lost support from a base of voters who appear to endorse the destruction of New Mexico’s treasures. Read more in the Santa Fe Reporter…

  • Alan Webber's Appointed Ethics Board Dismiss His Efforts Targeting Spanish Organizations

    The Santa Fe Ethics Board has dismissed the complaints by Alan Webber targetting one of the Oldest Spanish Fraternal Organizations in the Country. Read more in the ABQ Journal…

  • The Obelisk: Lawsuits Accuse Santa Fe DA of Withholding Records

    Two separate lawsuits accuse the District Attorney of violating the state’s open records law by not releasing documents related to the sentencing of the Obelisk crminals. Read More in The New Mexican…

  • Protestors Demand Apology from Alan Webber

    The Hispano Round Table of New Mexico and supporters demand that Alan Webber apologize for his attacks against Veterans and Hispanic Groups. Read More in The New Mexican…