Santa Fe and our vibrant culture are being destroyed.

Extreme and negative change is being forced on the city of Santa Fe by a small number of powerful politicians and extreme activist groups. These negative changes will eliminate historical, cultural, and religious artifacts from the city. If left unchallenged, these forces have promised to change nearly everything that makes Santa Fe historically unique.


Our city is being torn down - by design.

It is believed that with a nod from Mayor Alan Webber, The 3 Sisters, Red Nation, and some like-minded groups and individuals acted illegally in organizing a riot to attack downtown Santa Fe and topple our historical and federally recognized Soldiers Monument. Local police were largely held back from intervening. This follows a long-time threat from The Mayor to start dismantling Hispanic heritage in Santa Fe.


Monuments are being removed.

The statue of Don Diego de Vargas was removed and later found in a private citizen’s back yard. This was done at Mayor Alan Webber’s direction as he indicated he would remove the statue. Mayor Alan Webber then blamed city employees without accepting any responsibility or accountability.

Religious icons are being desecreated.

These events and actions have horrified regular Santa Feans but there was little they could do. Until now. This website and PAC were formed with the intent to fully educate the people of Santa Fe about the nuance and details related to what is happening. This even includes detailing arguments of the destructive forces (as seen in the In Defense of Santa Fe series) conspiring with elected officials. We will build a local grass-roots organization to grow in number and establish a powerful local voice to bring truth to citizens and fear of election loss to politicians who would continue to systematically destroy our history.

Historical artifacts are being vandalized.

Future targets of some of these misguided social warriors are: Cross of the Martyrs, the yearly Santa Fe fiesta, any street or shopping area name that reflects our Spanish past- even the name of Santa Fe itself. There is also talk in some of these extremist organizations of attacking our churches including the cathedral. To them, just about everything is offensive and needs to be destroyed. These groups also often engage in information warfare with mis-information campaigns, impromptu street speeches with loud horns and editing online neutral information sources like Wikipedia.


Our beautiful city is being scarred.

There is nothing inherently wrong with change - change is unavoidable. Cities grow and evolve. This website and PAC are not here to resist any normal evolution or growth in the city of Santa Fe. We are here to protect what has made this place special and unique for hundreds of years.

Who is doing this?

Mayor Alan Webber and some of the city counselors along with local extreme activist groups The 3 Sisters Collective, supported by Red Nation (an outright communist hate group), have conspired behind closed doors to change the very fabric of Santa Fe, starting with the historical foundation the city is built upon. Mayor Alan Webber has used his power as mayor even to the point of greatly overstepping his legal authority. In a recent mayoral debate with his challenger Joanne Vigil Coppler, Webber expressed a desire to dismantle the yearly Fiesta which is the oldest traditional celebration in the continental United States. He has now set up the CHART process to execute his agenda while avoiding accountability.